I went for the 2nd last lesson of Better Life Series 2008 - Developing the Leader within you. This is the best I have attended so far...
Talks about the development the qualities that set a leader apart from others. Apart from the skills that we have, the most important is the character. The lecturer used the Iceberg as an eg.
This is what he says.... The iceberg represent your leadership. The 10% above the water is your skill. the 90% below the water is your character. It's what below the surface that sank the ship.
In other words, our character flaws might be the downfall of our life, career, ministry if we dun change.
The sum of character:
-self discipline => ability to do what's right even when you dun feel like it.
-Core values => principle you live by that enable you to make a moral stand
-Sense of Identity =>healthy realistic self image based on who God made you to be.
-Emotional security
-Your relationship & attitude - you become what you think about all day
What struck me most is core values. To me integrity, honesty, principle are very important to a leader. To me a leader, need not be perfect, but he or she must have integrity, truthful to the people below him or her, ability to acknowledge his or her mistake when one is made. It takes alot of courage to admit that you have made a mistake, but we are after all human. I also believe in sharing information, experience to people who wants to hear. I dun believe in holding all responsibilities to self but share, so that everyone around will learn and grow.
I always believe that sincerity, truthful are the basics even for relationship... If anyone who are not sincere you will feel it, when one is not open people will know, but when one found a true friend, he or she can be open, share and trust that the person will protect him or her and love him or she as him or her self.
I pray that everyone will find a true friend like this!!!
Oh ya before I forget, leaders also need to have accountable partners to help eaach other over their weakness and grow stronger and be a good leader!!!